“Seventh Heaven Sober living is a program that caters to adults who are in recovery from alcoholism. Our residential programs are focused on individualized treatment programs to help individuals overcome their addiction and live a fulfilling life. Our clients come from all different demographics and from all different backgrounds. Our programs include detoxification and relapse prevention programs for those who have experienced trauma, abuse or neglect from drug or alcohol abuse. These programs are designed around the specific needs of the clients and they are designed to create an environment that is conducive to sobriety, recovery and wellness.
“Sixth Heaven Detoxification Programs are designed to help those suffering from alcohol addiction and dependency overcome their addictions and recover. Our detoxification programs are supervised by a certified detox facility and center and are led by an alcohol and drug addiction specialist. These programs focus on creating the right environment to overcome substance abuse. These programs are for people who are in need of professional care and support. “Sixth Heaven’s detoxification programs are designed for individuals who have struggled with substance abuse and have been drinking alcohol for a long time. These programs can help those who are at risk of addiction relapse or develop serious medical problems associated with substance abuse. In many cases, our programs also include intensive in-home support groups and community activities to provide support and encouragement for those who are still drinking.
“Dawning of Freedom Addiction Treatment Programs are for those who are struggling with alcohol and substance abuse. Our addiction treatment programs are tailored to address the specific needs of each of our clients. Our program focuses on helping people cope with their addiction, learn to identify triggers and get into recovery and to build their self esteem. “Dawning of Freedom Recovery provides an environment that is drug and alcohol free, providing intensive in-home support with our team of professionals.