Sober Living Homes, also known as sober living residences and sober living communities, are residential facilities that offer structured, safe, drug-free living…
Sober Living Homes, also known as sober living residences and sober living communities, are residential facilities that offer structured, safe, drug-free living conditions for individuals leaving drug rehabilitation programs. SLHs serve as an interim transition between these programs and society, providing a safe, secure and loving place where the individual can be his or her own person for a period of time. As a result of this support, individuals are able to overcome the drug addiction that led them to enter the rehabilitation program in the first place.
Some of the benefits of residential substance abuse programs include an environment where the individual is free to live as he or she wishes; the ability to have time alone or with a close friend or group member if desired; the option of going to work or school during the day without having to go through the drug-withdrawal symptoms; the ability to be around family members who may be suffering from similar problems; the ability to maintain relationships with all members of the community and the ability to maintain one’s lifestyle as normal as possible. Many of these programs are designed to keep a person on a steady, stable level of sobriety for the length of time that the individual will spend in the program. The treatment program should encourage the individual to go on to have a fulfilling, successful life outside of the program.
There are many different types of residential substance abuse treatment programs available today. Some of the most popular include residential drug rehabs and residential alcohol recovery centers. There are also outpatient treatment programs such as outpatient alcohol counseling, outpatient mental health treatment, outpatient sex addiction treatment, outpatient heroin addiction treatment and other outpatient treatment programs for various substance abuse disorders. The type of treatment that is offered will depend upon the type of substance abuse that the individual has. Asking a treatment center representative about the types of treatment they offer can help individuals decide which of the many options will be right for them.
Review Reborn Assistance Association.