Sober Living Homes, sometimes known as sober living residences and sober living facilities, are temporary residential facilities that offer safe living arrangem…
Sober Living Homes, sometimes known as sober living residences and sober living facilities, are temporary residential facilities that offer safe living arrangements and structured care for people leaving drug treatment programs. The term “sober living residence” has different connotations than the term “residential facility”. Sober living residences, sometimes referred to as sober living homes, are privately owned facilities, designed to meet the needs of people who want a more organized, safe and stable lifestyle after leaving drug treatment programs. Such facilities typically offer apartments or homes with single level layouts, with each room housing individual rooms and furnished with furniture, and furnishings. Sober living residences may be single family homes or apartments, where many families live or work together. Single-family homes can range in size from single-person apartments to multi-family properties.
The purpose of a sober living residence is to provide safe, drug-free living conditions, which help to relieve and reduce the withdrawal symptoms experienced by drug addicts leaving drug treatments. SLHs generally include at least three rooms in one structure, with each room designed for its own use. Each room may be equipped with a kitchenette and bathroom, with some having double bathrooms and kitchens. Many sobered residences provide additional amenities such as laundry facilities, fitness centers, computer centers, library services and day care for children. Other services offered by an SLH include counseling services, legal services, transportation services, social services, medical services, etc.
A number of cities, counties, and states offer residential homes for those exiting drug treatment programs. Most residential facilities offer a wide range of amenities that may include individual or group therapies, private rooms or communities, 24-hour supervision and other emergency services. Some residential facilities may also include on-site health care services, such as medical detoxification services, in addition to counseling and other support services. The location of a residential facility is very important. Some residential facilities can only be accessed by those who are on a particular program’s approved program list.
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